Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I'm not bitter...


I could be home already. I could be home already. I could be home already. I could be home already. I could be home already. I could be home already.

Instead, where am I? Still in Boston -- that's where.

And no, I didn't see a movie tonight. Can you tell I'm a little ticked off?

But, dinner/ice cream/shopping with Melissa, a rousing game of Scattergories with Imaeyen and Claire, and the 200 Women's IM and Men's 200-IM made up for some lousy and disappointing early, evening-ness.

No, really...I'm not bitter. I'll get over it. Nothing a few beers at Axel's tomorrow night can't handle. And wait...Isn't it $1.50 bottles???

Ah, sweet home Milwaukee (that's Algonquin for beer people, you know?).......

'Till next time, folks...

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